Moreover, the reactive force between slab and roller is obtained in this paper.
Air spring is a elastic mechanism that using the reactive force of compressing air, reactive force of raising effective area for the deformation and the resultant of above two forces.
When collision occurring to a motorcycle, the front tire will first receive reactive force of impact and this force will produce serious consequences to the running motorcycle and the rider.
The function and basic principle of the vibrating force field induced by the electro-magnetic field during the reactive extrusion process of polymer were investigated.
The results of the properties tests show that the adhesive has stronger adhering force when the reactive diluent has more hydroxy and carboxyl groups.
The moment reactive coefficient is given, and the effect of moment reactive coefficient on expanding the measurement range and improving the accuracy of force-balance accelerometer is analyzed.
The moment reactive coefficient is given, and the effect of moment reactive coefficient on expanding the measurement range and improving the accuracy of force-balance accelerometer is analyzed.