The composite compensation of harmonic and reactive power of electrified railways needs reactive power dynamic compensation.
Static Var Generator (SVG) is an efficient way to deal with reactive power dynamic compensation and it has become one of the hot points in power electronics fields.
Active power filter is used for dynamic harmonic suppressing and compensation reactive current, which can effectively improve power network quality.
Through the comparison, introduced a kind of new-type low-voltage reactive power compensation device and the dynamic performance of the technology and superior to the traditional compensation devices.
This paper mainly introduces the power factor control method, reactive power(reactive current) control method, the performance and the applications of the dynamic & static compensation equipment.
For example, power flow, reactive power compensation, voltage stability, frequency stability, and analysis of long terms dynamic process.
The thyristor switched capacitor (TSC) is the dynamic reactive power compensation equipment using thyristor as No-contact switch and an important part of the SVC technology.
Controllable saturated reactor is widely used in dynamic reactive power compensation, induction motor soft-starting and fault line selection of small current grounding system.
Dynamic reactive power compensation is a main measure of reducing network dissipation and improving power quality.
The important parts of the TSC are the dynamic reactive power compensation controller and the thyristor trigger circuit.
After experiment, the TSC can measure parameters accurately and act rapidly, it matches the dynamic reactive power compensation technology needs.
Through the single-dynamic load model dynamic reactive power compensation device can change the original system bifurcation point, increase the load limits and improve the system voltage stability.
So, there is an urgent need for additional dynamic reactive power compensation device to improve the power quality.
SVC has fast, dynamic, smooth and continuous compensation characteristics of it also can generate positive and negative reactive power.
SVC has fast, dynamic, smooth and continuous compensation characteristics of it also can generate positive and negative reactive power.