A head crash happens when the surface of the read-write head or particles on its surface contact the magnetic disk surface.
The spreading of sector addresses around the disc gives the operating system time to process each before the next reaches the read-write head.
So, despite not really knowing how to play the piano and not knowing how to read or write music, Cicoria got himself a piano and promptly began to play everything he heard in his head.
The preamp has much more tracks going to the heads (right side) than to the HDA (left side), it's because HDD can work only with one "head" (pair of read an write elements) at a time.
The mechanical device that moves something , usually read/write head.
A simulated three dimensional thin film head field was utilized in the write process and a giant-magnetoresistive (GMR) head was used in the read process.
As the head can be used to read and write messages quickly hopes of finding any point on the disk, so you can access information on the disk directly.
In many sources you can find that sliders claimed as actual heads but a slider itself is not a head it's a wing which helps read and write elements fly under the platter's surface.
In many sources you can find that sliders claimed as actual heads but a slider itself is not a head it's a wing which helps read and write elements fly under the platter's surface.