As predicted participants who read Kafka's story perceived it as a threat to the way they viewed the world.
He read Iqbal's story and held it up as a mirror to his own life in Canada - going to school, hanging out with friends, running with the cross country team.
By historia in this sense, they usually mean the narrative reading: if you were to read this text as a story, regardless of whether it ever happened.
If you enjoy the supernatural as much as you do elves and dragons, then this a great story to look to for the origins of your subgenre. [Read it here.]
I reread the Odyssey at the time, which I had first read in school and remembered as the story of a homecoming.
A 2004 ABC News poll showed that 60 percent of Americans read the story of Noah's Ark as literally true.
Ask a friend or family member to read the article (Maybe story or a paragraph) and grade it as if they're a teacher.
And as you read the story, remember its larger context: God's promise to make Abraham the father of a great people through his son, Isaac.
Read the story and then write it as a conversation.
The students were given 5 minutes to read a one-page news story, and needed to identify and correct as many spelling and grammatical mistakes as they found in that time.
It's purportedly a story about falling in love with an unpleasant man, but I read it as a love letter to sisterhood, with a small "s"; a love letter to her actual sister, Caz.
How often I wish I could read a story leisurely and patiently, word by word as I did when I was eight years old or even younger.
Six years earlier working as a functionary for a transportation company Mr. Chen had read a story about the bridge in the paper about bodies raining to their end.
It's a love song based on the story of a brave comic book soldier he read as a child.
由他先来献上“Le Sapeur Camember”,这首曲子是根据他小时候读过的一个漫画书中的勇敢的士兵的故事而作的一首情歌。
The story of Nehemiah will have a lot to say to us along this line as we read it together.
Read a short story and try to retell or rewrite the story using as much vocabulary from the story as possible.
The following detail sections describe a sample routing application as it evolves over a sequence of milestones. We strongly recommend taking the time to read and understand this story.
Hemingway's "Big Two-Hearted River" can be read simply as a story of a fishing trip because of his plain writing style.
Did you know that you can read pictures as well as words to tell a story?
As we read the story of Christ's coming, we need to understand that the birth of Christ was a costly event.
I can't wait to read this to my daughters as a bedtime story when they are old enough.
Once read a story, said to be a girls and a boy in love, that girls love is so deep, as the cut.
Read the story on page 31, then write it as a conversation.
Read the story on page 31, then write it as a conversation.