You could even read the contents of a SOAP envelope-but never store those contents on disk if your application had to go offline.
Let these merely be the conversation opener. Sit down with your child after they've had the chance to read them (even if they choose not to) and talk about what's covered in the material.
While you're welcome just to read the code listings, you'll enjoy them much more if you can execute them for yourself, and, even better, change them to experiment according to your own ideas.
You aren't competing for readers, even if you're both trying to get the same readers, because readers can read multiple blogs.
The time to read a message and to start formulating a reply has to be a lot longer, even if you are fully engaged in the conversation.
If you can read the code a year later, even code you wrote yourself, it's a good sign that you put good comments in, right?
Even if you don't read and understand or even agree with the PEP, it would be wise to follow it, as it's what more and more Python developers are used to seeing.
You'll know the titles of some classics, even if you've never read them: the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Getting Things Done, Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway... and loads more.
Extreme Programming Explained (Kent Beck) is a good intro to XP, and even if you don't subscribe to the everything-agile approach, it makes a good read.
解析极限编程(Extreme ProgrammingExplained)(Kent Back)是一本不错的极限编程(XP)入门书,它能够让你即使在从未了解过任何敏捷方法的情况下,也能够很好地进行阅读。
Even if the ads suck and no one wants to read them.
If you love to write poetry, one of the best ways to develop your skills (and even find markets for your poetry), is to buy and read poetry by other conemporary poets.
And even if they do scroll down, they do not necessarily read or pay attention to all the content below the page.
Even if you need background on those topics, you might still want to read through the article, as it will inspire you to learn more.
Nor could he have foreseen how we could use the Internet to obtain information on every known subject, so we can read it on a screen in our homes and even print it as well if we want to.
Even if your APM vendor does not natively provide the capability to read this data automatically, you'll know how to do it yourself after you read this article.
If these reasons are familiar to you, you may not know the subtler side-effects of each reason that strengthen the case even more, so read on.
So please do drop by, if a have a spare moment to say hello, read the rejuvenation tips or even become a fan.
And even if I were able to create a list of every potential problem, would anyone read it and follow the guidelines?
For the buffer processing, the MFC treats a zero-size data request as a no-op, so I can go ahead and issue requests even if there is no data to read.
对于缓冲区处理,MFC 将大小为零的数据请求当作无操作来对待,所以即使没有数据可读取了,也可以继续发出请求。
Having an ebook be read aloud (ie for the blind) even if that book has controls built into it to prevent that sort of thing.
So, the user can read several article synopsis items on one page, and the server bandwidth is spared from building huge pages even if the user doesn't read it all.
Peter Drucker's "Effective Executive" was written in 1966. It is a slim tome and easy to read, even if the language is a bit dated.
The company set up the first online dating web site designed specifically for multimillionaires. It's worth clicking on even if you don't read Chinese.
If there's a child on the south side of Chicago who can't read, that matters to me, even if it's not my child.
Indeed, I'm not sure I'd even believe it if I hadn't already read many other psychology studies that point to the illogical and unreasonable ways our minds sometimes work.
Even if you do not read another post from any of the sites they have come from, these articles you should not let pass you by!
They may have the right to read whatever keystrokes you've entered, even if your emails were not entered on the company's email system.
Sit down with your child after they've had the chance to read them (even if they choose not to) and talk about what's covered in the material.
The participants would have largely been illiterate and even if they were able to read and write it would be pretty unlikely that they would be making notes about the results of the RACES.
If you just read that list and saw a few things you have never even thought about until now, you may be in for some trouble down the road. But it's never too late to create a business plan.