When young people read her story, they no longer admire her, because they don't appreciate her lifestyle.
I read Lili a story and tucked her in.
If she refuses to go, offer to go along with her and read a story.
I remembered the books on Henrys washstand and asked her if she would read me a story.
Read more of her story in The Moment. Jessica Benko has written for Virginia Quarterly Review and Harper's.
Having read the first volume, Sea of Shadow is for me an incredible story about a young girl who is pushed beyond her limits physically, emotionally, and mentally.
The character wrote the story down herself and instructed Noah to read it to her so she would 'come back' to him.
It's purportedly a story about falling in love with an unpleasant man, but I read it as a love letter to sisterhood, with a small "s"; a love letter to her actual sister, Caz.
She hopes you'll read her a story.
When I read the story, I was so impressed, Bella's inner voice is so strong that I imagine myself is her.
Read the following story and see how the author feels towards her own culture and that of the West even over trivial matters such as table manners.
Read about Fan Ling's experience in a western restaurant. Think about how you would solve her problem and finish Fan Ling's story.
Jenny had a very loving daddy and every night when she was ready for bed, he would stop whatever he was doing and come upstairs to read her a story.
If one gave her a book to read aloud, she'd make up the story when she couldn't guess the words.
What happens to her? Please read the following story.
People who read the story began drawing teddy bears and sending them to her.
I read Kelly's blog last month and decided to feature her story in our local job report.
After my mother read a draft of that story, she had tears in her eyes.
Sometimes I'll read her a story from a book and sometimes I'll make one up.
Read through the whole story, we can find that different female character has her own views on love and marriage. And it just shows the female author's unique views on love and marriage.
I like lying in the arms of my mother and listen to her read, especially the story of the Ugly Duckling.
When I was two years old, I knew practically nothing, But my mom, with her voice like the warmth of spring, Read me a story every night before I went to sleep, like The Lion King.
When I was two years old, I knew practically nothing, But my mom, with her voice like the warmth of spring, Read me a story every night before I went to sleep, like The Lion King.