Keep this in mind as you read about the incubator components in this section—they are very cool but incomplete.
As I say, don't worry about any of those details now, but it's a point to keep in mind as you read the dialogues.
Keep these things in mind as you read, and in the next couple of.
Sreenivasan added: "Keep in mind that most online news people read still uses a lot of newspaper-sourced copy that has been put on line. It's still a lot of traditional media that's feeding this."
Keep this in mind as you read about the incubator components in this section — very cool, but incomplete.
However, as you read, please keep in mind that the concepts and methods we propose can be embedded into any iterative application development process.
Keep in mind that most psychotherapists are fairly busy - as is anyone in a full-time job - so they're not going to have time to read all of your blog entries dating back from 5 years ago.
Keep this in mind when you are putting together the copy for your website. Users no longer “read” – they “scan”.
Keep in mind that the account used here must have read rights to the REPORTS database.
A good trick is to keep it in mind whenever you read business news.
In case you read this article three months from now, download JAXP 1.1, and get compiler and runtime errors, keep in mind that this article is being written as JAXP 1.1 is being finalized.
如果在三个月以后阅读本文,下载JAXP 1.1,并得到编译器和运行时错误,请记住,本文是在JAXP 1.1将要完成的情况下写的。
I touched upon this in the first point, where I mentioned that you should keep in mind that there's a human at the other end who'll read your email.
As well, keep in mind that this is the general rule, you may indeed call something a hot standby when for DB2 purposes it is idle (read on).
而且要记住,这是一般法则,对于某个机器,您可能在DB 2中称之为idle备用机器,而在其他地方又称之为hot备用机器。
When you read history you should keep in mind that the accounts you have before you do not represent the final truth.
Keep in mind that a good term paper is not just a literature review that simply summarizes, one by one, the papers that you read.
Read a Book Every Week - in order to keep your mind active you need to always be learning.
As you read the homework tips below, keep in mind that patience and step-by-step management are vital to developing organizational skills in your child.
As you read the homework tips below, keep in mind that patience and step-by-step management are vital to developing organizational skills in your child.