Very high data bandwidth and valid transmission distance and right trigger mode were demanded in real-time and high-speed digital camera data transmission channel.
Abstract: To collect data in high speed and be simple in the structure, a Video Acquisition and Processing system with real-time compressing and transmission is presented.
Different data transmission mode can be selected according to specific needs. And signal transmission of digital sensor is realized with high-speed and in real-time.
Digital signal professor ADSP-21161N with strong functions, has two high-speed parallel transmission link ports, and can realize separately real time input and output for video data.
功能强大的数字信号处理器adsp- 21161N有两个高速的并行传输链路口,可以分别实现视频数据的实时输入和输出。
At the same time, optical fiber communication module is studied and devised, which solves the data transmission bottleneck and implements high-speed and real-time transmission.
Real-time data acquisition and high-speed data transmission becomes one of the key digital equipment links in various fields.
With a dual-port RAM, a novel data transmission structure was designed, and ping-pong technique was used to implement the buffering of the high-speed real-time image data.
To process datum real time, the interface between computer and high-speed data acquisition system is a challenge. The PCI local Bus is superior in fast transmission and better compatibility.
Compared to traditional data transmission modes, the GPRS based data transmission mode is long-distance, high speed, good real-time and large capacity.
Compared to traditional data transmission modes, the GPRS based data transmission mode is long-distance, high speed, good real-time and large capacity.