In a distributed real time database system, the only way to ensure transaction atomicity is to investigate and develop a real time atomic commit protocol.
A mechanism for secure real-time database scenario, which combines SMC with the channel capacity, is presented to measure and mitigate the threat of transaction covert channel.
In active real-time database systems, transaction concurrency control gets more difficult for integrating time constraint with active mechanism.
The distribution of transactions and unpredictability of transaction triggering make the transaction schedule more difficult in distributed active real-time database system (DARTDBS).
Multiversion optimistic concurrency control (MVOCC) protocol and mobile transaction real-time commit (MTRTC) protocol are presented for mobile distributed real-time database systems (MDRTDBSs).
In addition, IACM associates with the real time transaction model based on function alterative, so IACM suits for embedded real time database systems.
Transaction scheduling system is affair schedule center, and the aim of transaction scheduling is to ensure real-time credibility of data in the real-time database and the reliability of run for DCS.
Timing constraints in real time database systems have data timing constraints and transaction timing constraints.
Timing constraints in real time database systems have data timing constraints and transaction timing constraints.