This paper introduced the software of auto-polar coordinate real time difference monitoring system, which is based on the full automatic control station.
This paper also introduces concretely the construction of GPRS based real time difference system, and discusses the application of GPS to the investigation of land use changes.
Though CAN protocol in reliability and the two sides of real time difference have offered some strategy and guarantee, but at the same time, again have contradiction and restrict mutually between two.
The difference is, this boom is for real, and it's going to last a long, long time.
In modern practice the difference between content and transfer encoding is blurred since the pages requested do not exist until after they are requested (they are created in real-time).
What is the difference between batch processing and real-time processing?
The difference, in pips between the two, measures relative momentum of the market in real time.
A pitch tracking algorithm was developed based on the normalized sum of the magnitude difference square function (SMDSF) for accurately estimating speech pitch at any sample rate in real time.
It is based on the least square of the difference between the real reflection first break time and corresponding modeled ray-tracing travel time.
The real heroes of the world are the men who take the time to make a difference in the life of a child. Thanks for Being my hero, Dad!
世界上真正的英雄就是那些让孩子的生活有所不同的男人们。谢谢你爸爸,你是我心中的英雄。 -- 引用。
The real heroes of the world are the men who take the time to make a difference in the life of a child. Thanks for Being my hero, Dad!
In virtue of computer communications network, the phase difference real time measurement is realized.
Based on signal detection theory, the real-time leakage detection problem of submarine pipeline was discussed, by means of the observed series of mass flow difference of pipe.
Therefore, the affect of real-time demand information on distribution was discussed in the paper and the difference between real-time distribution and traditional distribution was analyzed.
Finally, the paper made correction of interface influence for inverted time difference and calculated the porosity parameter with higher resolution and as consistent with real situation.
We can enlarge the range of mapping region by utilizing CDMA wireless data transmission in transporting GPS difference data, and realize high precision orientation of real time.
And it proposes a system RSC-2, designed according to the difference, and designed to generate real-time comment for RoboCup.
并介绍了依照这些语法特点设计的,在特定的机器人足球解说领域内进行动态实时自然语言生成的RSC - 2系统。
We scored at the right moment just before half-time. 2-0 made a real difference because it's a lot harder to come back from.
The paper discusses the difference between traditional data warehouse and active real-time data warehouse, and presents a new architecture of active real-time data warehouse.
At the same time the difference of garment culture between online game and real society was discussed in respect of connotation, specialty and influence.
Under the circumstance of the real time monitor for the low-frequency variables, the method of one order difference equation has been proposed. At last, an example of its application is given.
In scene matching, false matching occurs due to brightness, contrast, scale, noise, and rotation difference between real-time target image and standard target image.
The real heroes of the world are the men who take the time to make a difference in the life of a child.
While real-time scanning files on the server time to time with the local paper compared to scan documents, the best server and the local system the difference in time will not be too outrageous.
While real-time scanning files on the server time to time with the local paper compared to scan documents, the best server and the local system the difference in time will not be too outrageous.