She stood a moment and regarded him, waiting for him to give birth to the reason.
The ostensible reason for the rush is that the Italians want to meet the new capital requirements of Basel 3 immediately, instead of waiting until 2019 when all the rules will finally be in force.
The reason I caught the sunset yesterday is that we have been waiting for two weeks for FEMA to come fix a leak in our plumbing.
The reason we are waiting for 2.6 is that the tools for migrating from Python 2 to Python 3 require 2.6 as a staring point.
Today's China, immigration is a widespread phenomenon, but a local, most people have a personal reason, in many countries, Sweden is in the eyes of the people was waiting for.
Look, you have every reason to be upset. we did lie. But only because we've been waiting and trying to have a baby for so long.
This was a lesson that our Lord taught often and urgently. If we consider the matter we can see that there may be a reason for the delay, and the waiting may bring a blessing to our souls.
The reason for removing the pan from the heat and waiting for the sizzling to stop is to ensure that the cooking oil does not spatter all over the place and burn you.
The reason for our failure may be quite simple. There are many projects waiting to be approved, and our application is lack of competitiveness.
The likely reason for this is that the implementation is probably waiting for responses to prepare from one or more Resources.
Spend all your time waiting . for that second chance. for a break that would make it okay . there's always one reason. to feel not good enough .
Waiting , it is not hope you can come back , it's just find a reason for me to not to leave.
The reason for this is that the browser is waiting to see if you are actually performing a double tap.
The reason for this is that the browser is waiting to see if you are actually performing a double tap.