It provides an essential condition for the research on the relations between recall ratio and precision ratio.
To enhance recall ratio and precision ratio of information retrieval, the paper designs the model of spam filtering based on semantic grid.
Experiment results prove that this system can improve recall ratio and precision ratio effectively and then attain a satisfying personal retrieving effect.
Retrieval performance includes evaluation of recall ratio, precision ratio, speed of retrieval, cost and convemence etc.
Assemble model can draw components of retrieval system precisely, it can also be used to account recall ratio, and precision ratio.
The article discusses several guidelines evaluating search engine such as recall ratio, precision ratio and response time;
The experimental results show that this approach can improve the precision ratio and recall ratio of the schema matching obviously, and it can effectively improve the quality of the schema matching.
The experimental results show that this approach can improve the precision ratio and recall ratio of the schema matching obviously, and it can effectively improve the quality of the schema matching.