Since you know the client will connect and immediately send data, supplying a receive buffer can make things substantially easier.
With every overlapped send or receive operation, it is possible that the data buffer submitted will be locked.
With every overlapped send or receive operation, it is possible that the data buffer submitted will be locked.
Send function takes packets from application layer into sending buffer, and the receive function takes data from receiving buffer for the application layer.
When PLC receive one frame data, it checkout the frame. If the data is correct, it is saved in the appointed buffer. If not, PLC request the IPC resend it.
In the communications program, frequently used as a ring buffer data structure to store communications to send and receive data.
When the data was received, the data was stored in receive buffer at first, then the data was marked and managed by the upper module.
When the data was received, the data was stored in receive buffer at first, then the data was marked and managed by the upper module.