The state recognizes this in the large body of family laws that govern children's welfare, yet parents receive little help in meeting the life-changing obligations society imposes.
In Belgium, immigrants who lose jobs can receive almost two-thirds of their most recent wage in state benefits, which must make the hunt for a new job less urgent.
When in a state of receptivity, ask your question and receive messages from your intuition as they come, with openness, without doubt, and without interpretation or analysis.
On December 1st the German bank announced huge job cuts and said it would receive about euro30 billion of state support, partly because of its losses in Iceland.
The method also returns the Cart, so that the client code can update the Cart contents and receive its new state in a single operation.
According to Lillibridge, there was not enough bed capacity in the entire state to receive patients from Texas Medical Center.
Applications on active members trying to access the locked data on the failing member will be briefly in a lock-wait state, and by default will not receive any errors.
Applications on active members trying to access the locked data on the failing member are briefly in a lock-wait state, and by default they do not receive any errors.
The table below indicates how to set up notifications in our custom administrative client so it will receive the most complete information about the state changes of our J2EE processes.
In China, many domestic manufacturers receive state subsidies.
That is, can one's body turn on all of its senses only to receive pleasures in the absence of expectations, imaginations and memories associated with such a state of pleasure?
A state name such as TX may be considered invalid by VeriSign, in which case you would receive the error the state value used in the submitted CSR is not valid.
如果输入诸如tx之类的州名称,可能会被verisign视作无效,这时您将接收到错误消息thestatevalueusedin thesubmittedCSR is not valid。
In that case they would receive financial aid from the state.
In many state grants, you receive the grant with the agreement to work in your field for a certain amount of time after graduation.
Baby doesn't receive the invasive stimuli to induce breathing, which results in less crying, babies after birth resulting in a calmer, more alert state.
It indicates that the device is in its idle state, ready to receive characters on the RS232 port.
这表明该装置是在其空闲状态,准备接收的RS 232端口字符。
The public servant being dismissed may draw the dismissal pay or receive unemployment insurance in accordance with relevant State regulations.
They may have to be restructured in exchange for the State aid they receive.
A node shall be in the bus-off state when it is switched off from the bus due to a request of FCE. In the bus-off state, a node shall neither send nor receive any frames.
To receive good shooting results in short time, students should not only grasp the techniques of holding gun, collimating, and shooting, but also have good will quality and psychological state.
In new Jersey, solar projects can receive renewable energy credits that are then sold to entities that must buy them to comply with state renewable power mandates.
China Telecom and China Unicom will likely receive the first ticket for state-owned enterprises since the AML (Anti Monopoly Law) came into force in 2008.
As more and more migrant children go to city to receive nine-year compulsory education, their image of "inferior students" are shaping up in the state-run schools which enroll migrant children.
In Traditional Chinese Language Teaching, the weakness of educational reality caused by "man" receive education urgent need to change this state of living.
The latest school district to receive this help is in the state of Kentucky.
The latest school district to receive this help is in the state of Kentucky.