Received for shipment bills state that the goods have been received for shipment, and do not indicate the actual date of loading.
When multimodal transport has occurred, is a transport document marked "received for shipment" and dated as of that date acceptable?
These dates are invariably the same but can be different, i. e., the shipped on board date could be later or earlier than the date of issue of the received for shipment document.
For example, a retail business may want to ensure that inventory is available and payment is received before committing to a shipment.
Thank you for your samples of striped coatings received today.Please make shipment in accordance with our Order No.2602 enclosed herewith.
今天收到你们寄来的带条纹外衣料样品,谢谢。 请按照信内附寄的第2602号订单发货。
We have just received your advice that you cannot carry out the complete shipment covering our order for sundries at one sailing.
Having received no instructions from you regarding the July shipment for our order, we have now been compelled to cancel the steamer.
We received your claim for compensation for the delay of shipment.
Thank you for your samples of striped coatings received today. Please make shipment in accordance with our Order No. 2602 enclosed herewith.
Shipment schedule for samples: for AK-3 and R-8 series, two months after the model fees are received.
When the shipment is received by the airline, each piece is marked with the air waybill number for identification.
All these items are in stock, and we can guarantee shipment of the first lot well before Apr. 10. But for your information, we request that payment be made as each lot is received.
All these items are in stock, and we can guarantee shipment of the first lot well before Apr. 10. But for your information, we request that payment be made as each lot is received.