"As for my future plan, I will stick to reading and reciting poems," Lei said.
Reciting poems not only enriches my knowledge, but also makes my job less boring.
The young man also developed a habit of reciting poems he liked and writing them down after returning home.
For example, I am used to reciting poems when I wait for food at restaurants, and traffic lights on my way to deliver food.
There's a time for reciting poems and a time for fists.
The athletes took turns in singing songs and reciting poems.
Not only had he been loving poems about flowers, searching for flowers, enjoying the sight of flowers, reciting poems about flowers, but also regarding flowers as living and emotional things.
他不仅爱花、寻花、赏花、吟花 ,把花作为客观之物和描写对象 ,更把花视为生命之物和有情之物。他把花视为知音 ,与花共悲哀同欢乐 ;
In college, he was known for reciting lines from epic poems such as' The Iliad. '.
在大学里,他因能背诵《伊利亚特》(The Iliad)等长篇史诗中的诗句而出了名。
The outdoor reciting of poems around every noon tea time of Sunday and the evening of Monday has become a tradition of this bookstore.
The outdoor reciting of poems around every noon tea time of Sunday and the evening of Monday has become a tradition of this bookstore.