The pound has sunk to its lowest recorded level against the dollar.
The US has always been a remarkably mobile country, but new data from the Census Bureau indicate that mobility has reached its lowest level in recorded history.
Special filters enable you to select the type and level of data recorded by the probes.
The test team can advance to the next level of automation when recording entire tests by reusing the previously recorded reuse modules.
Granularity (the level of detail at which a fact is recorded) : If data is to be analyzed effectively, it must all be at the same level of granularity.
Arctic sea-ice cover reached its lowest ever recorded average level for the month of June.
The amount of information, which is recorded by the system, can be voluminous, and the level of detail that can be selected and extracted from that data is similarly large.
Far from resembling the 1930s, the default rate did not reach the heights recorded in the early 1990s, and was only a little above its level in the early 2000s, when the recession was very mild.
Each string passed to mkpasswd is built level by level from a single key dwell time all the way up to a dwell time for each recorded letter in the user name.
Each in_string variable is built level by level from a single intra-key release time all the way up to a key-release time for each recorded letter in the user name.
During our visits to client sites over the past several years, we have recorded occurrences of malpractices, such as those listed above, if they directly caused or exacerbated a business level outage.
Some 62% of Germans want to pull out, the highest level recorded by Forsa, a pollster.
That's still only about half the average level recorded over the last decade.
The melting has been recorded since 1979; scientists put the annual net loss of ice and water from the ice sheet at 300-400 gigatonnes, which could hasten a sea level rise of catastrophic proportions.
That is a sharply higher level than recorded in previous days.
February 23, 2011 - An estimated 210 million people are out of work worldwide, the highest level of unemployment ever recorded.
Although the Case Fatality Rate has decreased slightly, it is still above 5%, with about three times more deaths being recorded at community level rather than within health facilities.
One, published July 11 in Nature Geoscience predicts future patterns of sea-level rise using a combination of recorded changes and climate modeling to simulate the last 50 years of change.
其中一个在7月11日发布在《自然地球科学》(Nature Geoscience)上,根据历年记录的变化数据和气候模型模拟出近50年来的海平面变化,以此预测未来的海平面变化规律。
The sea level which been rising since direct measurements began in 1870 at a rate that is now five times faster than it was at the beginning of recorded measurements.
The time of algesia block level reached T10 was recorded.
记录痛觉阻滞平面达t 10水平的时间。
Controls the volume level of recorded and play-back sounds.
The chamber is first filled to a reference level and the volume recorded.
The level of sensory block and Bromage score were recorded at the same time.
Refrigerant temperature and pressure that affect the level of refrigerant charged must be periodically managed and recorded.
At the beginning of the melt season, Arctic sea ice was at its lowest level ever recorded.
At the beginning of the melt season, Arctic sea ice was at its lowest level ever recorded.