Replace the recorded search value with a code returned value.
Replace recorded search value with datapool value.
Multiple changes to the same object are only recorded once, so the old value remains set at the oldest unchanged value.
The concrete solution involves a Yuasa-type barrier (see Resources), where the overwritten value in any field store is recorded and treated as if it had a root reference associated with it.
These keys will be searched for later in the program and their last recorded time stored as the value of the "event" hash element.
The importance of the value recorded in the tabauth field in the dependency catalog view
依赖项编目视图中tabauth 字段中记录的值的重要性
The amount recorded in books of account shall not be adjusted even though a fluctuation in their value may occur, except otherwise stipulated by the State.
Try a maximum value of 20- to 40-percent less than the maximum value recorded in top50emails.
尝试比top50emails中记录的最大值小 20% 至 40%的最大值。
As far back as recorded history goes, humans have known that certain plants and extracts have medicinal value.
The first part of build_match_number looks to see if the current value in the recorded voice-print spectrum is outside the accepted deviation.
build _ match_number的第一部分将查看录制的声波纹频谱中的当前值是否超出可接受的偏差。
Notes receivable which can be collected and converted into cash during next accounting year or operating cycle are classified as current assets and are recorded at face value.
Such impurities requiring calibration calculation normally use main component as reference and use relative retention time for orientation, such value are to be recorded under each type.
The basal blood pressure and the peak value after ions addition were recorded respectively.
The other problem in seismic inversion is that the frequency information and amplitude real value recorded by seismograph are incomplete and severely absent.
The measured value of particle, sheet resistance and film thickness have been respectively recorded in a table, please see table2.
Some technology application recorded in the book is regarded the earliest in the world, boasting the value of important materials for the history of science and technology.
Having recorded the ancient anecdotes of Sichuan, Shu Wang Ben Ji has very important document value in studying history culture of Sichuan ancient times.
The recorded curve proved that there was a tension shocks and then the tension fell back to a constant tension value.
The propofol consumption, hemodynamics, BIS value, body movements during operation and recovery form anesthesia were recorded.
The pixel mean value and noise of the image in region of interest were measured and recorded in 2 density areas, and the CNR was calculated.
The mike recorded my clap and the echo after about 6 ms--giving about 320 m/s--very close to the correct value for the speed of sound at standard conditions.
When the frequency is low, the recorded acoustic amplitude value is high. So the evaluation result is reliable.
The recorded curve, called an amylogram shows that with increasing temperature there is an initial small fall followed by a steep rise in viscosity to a maximum value.
所纪录的曲线称为淀粉糊粘度图谱,该图展示了随着温度的增加, 粘度先是小幅度下降,然后迅速上升至最高点。
Continuously invasive blood pressure values was recorded by both artery pulse wave form and blood pressure value and simultaneously compared with non-invasive blood pressure values.
Transactions of physical contribution and asset revaluation gains should be recorded at the actual value with deductions for future income tax, also as "Reserve Funds of Capital Surplus".
Fixed assets recorded in accordance with its fair value and a corresponding increase in the fixed fund;
Fixed assets recorded in accordance with its fair value and a corresponding increase in the fixed fund;