Dutch airline KLM plans to use recycled cooking oil as biofuel to power flights to and from France in a move aimed at cutting carbon emissions.
The Dutch airline company plans to use recycled cooking oil as bio-fuel to power flights to and from France in a move aimed at cutting carbon emissions.
Although some people make their own diesel at home from leftovers and recycled cooking oil, coffee-based biodiesel seems better suited to larger-scale processes.
The collected cooking oil is refined and recycled for use as biodiesel fuel (BDF) in the very same buses, which run on 12 routes through the city.
There are also Candles made from used cooking oil and recycled glass.
I gather up my polyunsaturated cooking oil and my recycled paper towels and head with furrowed brow to the checkout counter.
Unfortunately, with no standardized way of testing whether cooking oil is fresh or recycled, the government may be limited in how well it can regulate the problem.
The firm based in Shandong Province collected waste cooking oil under the pretence of recycling it into bio-diesel, but it actually recycled the waste oil into cooking oil and sold it to restaurants.
If you make it from used cooking oil it's not only cheap but you'll be recycling a troublesome waste product that too often ends up in sewers and landfills instead of being recycled.
If you make it from used cooking oil it's not only cheap but you'll be recycling a troublesome waste product that too often ends up in sewers and landfills instead of being recycled.