Papa would push back his chair and pour a glass of red wine, ready to listen.
In one experiment, he got 57 wine experts together and had them taste one glass of red wine and one glass of white wine.
I'd eat it on the sofa, watching an episode of Mad Men, with a glass of red wine and plenty of napkins.
For an extra dose of antioxidants, have a glass of red wine on the side.
The mice in this new study received huge amounts of it -- many, many times more than a person would get from a glass of red wine.
We had been feeling pretty smug about drinking a glass of red wine with dinner.
Since porcelain is ceramic, and therefore glass-like, its surface is smooth and impervious and unlike older bonding materials, it will not be stained coffee, tea, red wine or cigarette smoking.
Recent tips include making as many female friends as possible, eating huge amounts of wheat, and drinking one glass of red wine every day.
A daily glass of red wine can stop you putting on fat, especially around your belly.
Beware of mulled wine. Adding sugar and spices to wine boosts the calorie count: a 5-ounce glass of mulled wine has about 175 calories, compared with about 125 in a glass of red wine.
One of my favorite desserts is a piece of dark organic chocolate, along with a glass of a fine red wine.
The report showed that drinking up to 30 grams of alcohol a day, the equivalent of one large glass of red wine, reduced the risk of heart disease by half.
Another find shows that people who have taken daily, vegetables, olive oil, fish, cereal and a glass of red wine had a slower rate of cognitive decline.
I have heard it from many doctors: a glass of red wine every two nights (or even nightly) is good for the eyes and heart.
I love a glass of red wine first thing in the morning, but I know there's a taboo attached to the practice.
What could be better than a piece of roast beef with spices, baked potatoes with rosemary and a glass of red wine?
They shake up the wine and heat it up before drinking, then hold the glass on their hands and watch the eye-catching and pleasing red color.
Experts say that a glass of red wine occasionally will do one's health a world of good.
And drink a glass of red wine for antioxidants that may protect against heart disease and eye problems.
I'd like to have a glass of red wine, please!
Just a glass of dry red wine, please.
This glass of red wine is on the house.
My favorite drink is a glass of red wine or a good sangria.
As a result it has become widely accepted that a glass or two of red wine per day is good for your heart.
A glass of wine or half of the rolling red beer will be drunk as I can be a gesture.
Commodities delicious dishes, side glass of red wine sitting on the highest point hotel to enjoy the city's beautiful scenery.
Commodities delicious dishes, side glass of red wine sitting on the highest point hotel to enjoy the city's beautiful scenery.