If you had crashed in an ocean, a high temperature zone, or a subzero environment, your chances of survival would be reduced to zero.
Most experts believe that it is, as the core temperature of the at-risk reactors has been reduced to below 2, 200c, the melting point of the fuel rods.
We just treated the one case of an ideal gas as the temperature is reduced.
"A number of studies have shown that hypothermia — reduced body temperature — is highly protective of the brain when it is starved for oxygen and blood flow," Abella told ABC News.
The North Pole has dramatically reduced in size and the temperature there has reached its highest in the past 2000 years, the US Science Journal said Saturday.
The reduced body temperature would be sufficient to account for body weight gain over several months.
If there is no the sun radiation, the ground temperature will quickly reduced to near absolute zero.
If the material also has high strength at elevated temperatures, the wall thickness can be reduced, which, in turn, further reduces the wall temperature.
With the advent of the evening, the temperature has gradually reduced, so there is no midday heat, but the early morning breeze turned into a Unit, "heat" rushing toward us.
Evaporation at this reduced temperature decreases thermal degradation and results in optimal product quality.
Additionally, the fluctuations in low-temperature toughness are reduced by adding Bi to refine graphite sphere, the performance becomes more stable.
This reduced temperature dependence permits a simplified drive circuit and reduces the need for temperature stabilization.
Most experts believe that it is, as the core temperature of the at-risk reactors has been reduced to below 2,200c, the melting point of the fuel rods.
Reduced temperature warm water distribution is used to reduce ongoing loop losses.
Hollow tapered roller bearings available oil cooling roller, so that temperature rise reduced, thereby increasing the speed allowed.
It can be concluded that the local high temperature can be reduced effectively using the technique of discontinuous welding and smaller residual stresses are obtained.
The daily rang of temperature and humidity were reduced, and the wind velocity was weakened.
Before the engine stops, the engine's speed should be gradually reduced to decrease its temperature, and then the engine should be stopped as soon as setting fuel level to the stop position.
The welding current can be reduced, which produces lower electrode temperature and enhances the electrode life.
Second, improved crystalline behavior, speeded up the crystallization velocity, reduced the die temperature.
High strength, and creep resistance, high tenacity, qualitative hard, no cold rheology, mechanical properties with temperature rises, the reduced.
When the temperature is reduced, check whether the engine cooling system is short of water and cause high temperature.
The TDI and internal standard chemicals can be separated better and the side reaction is reduced at lower column temperature by use of SE54 capillary column and FID detector.
If temperature of asphalt pavement is reduced, pavement radiation will fall and heat island phenomena will lighten.
While fibre break strength was increased with cotton boll age, it was reduced when temperature dropped.
Phosphating temperature is reduced, production efficiency is improved, and satisfactory phosphating film can be obtained by the improved phosphating process.
Phosphating temperature is reduced, production efficiency is improved, and satisfactory phosphating film can be obtained by the improved phosphating process.