Now airlines are reducing capacity on those routes as well, and putting seats on sale.
Having a large reducing capacity, the lamprophyre is the best geochemical barrier for thedeposition and concentration of gold.
For the capacity of propeller turbine is often small, people pay little importance on the transformation of reducing capacity under specified co.
The total reducing capacity of the refined extract was slightly greater than the crude extract, and with the dosage increased, the gap also increased.
The fluid loss reducing capacity of the gel was investigated in the microcrack reservoirs of the low permeability gas reservoir through evaluation tests.
Helping forests flourish as valuable "carbon sinks" long into the future may require reducing their capacity to absorb carbon now.
Shared resource services distribute services among a pool of users, and servers allow large companies to get peak load capacity at lower costs, reducing the need for larger internal data centers.
The second capacity management approach to consider is reducing data on primary disk storage via data deduplication or data compression.
But a series of new cables is in the works to improve Africa's connectivity with the rest of the world, increasing capacity and reducing the cost of Internet access.
A new network design that avoids the need to convert optical signals into electrical ones could boost capacity while reducing power consumption.
By reducing the need for expensive backup capacity, it may actually reduce the cost of electricity, and so encourage consumption.
Additionally, reducing the amount of energy-storing material actually increases the storing capacity of the battery.
Another important capacity for the poor is risk coping, i.e. dealing with shocks ex-post by reducing variability in consumption in spite of income fluctuations.
Others maintain that, by reducing the need for factory workers, 3d printing will undermine the advantage of low-cost, low-wage countries and thus repatriate manufacturing capacity to the rich world.
In that case countries that rely on large current account surpluses to absorb their excess capacity would be forced into reducing their surpluses and reducing their capacity.
More generally, small particulate matter and other pollutants in indoor smoke inflame the airways and lungs, impairing immune response and reducing the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood.
The World Bank is boosting its capacity to evaluate the impact of its projects and programs aimed at reducing poverty.
Sharing resources among a large pool of users assists in reducing infrastructure costs and peak load capacity.
More labor-intensive urban growth would help reducing surplus labor in agriculture as well, thus raising rural per capita income and therefore the capacity to consume on the countryside.
Reducing the size and weight of batteries with the necessary charge capacity has been a long-running battle for developers of electric cars.
Unless some airlines are allowed to go out of business, so reducing the over-capacity that is causing carriers to slash prices, the entire industry is endangered by financial failure.
Carbon monoxide also results in systemic effects by reducing the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood.
Increasing productive capacity has led to car companies aiming to use economies of scale as the main way of reducing cost.
With a view to reducing the short circuit current level of large capacity transmission systems, an in-series resonant type FCL based on saturated inductor is presented.
It also damages the layers of sand and clay that make up aquifers, thereby reducing their capacity to be replenished.
The technical inefficiency enterprises lack the production capacity, in the circumstances of not reducing investment, the net profit greatly still has the enhanced space.
The system increases the bearing capacity of concrete, reducing its deformation and cracking decreases, thus increasing its life.
Data compression improves the efficiency of data transmission by utilizing the correlation of images and reducing the redundancy of bits representing them to save the memory capacity.
To increase production capacity of nitriding ferroalloys, reducing production cost, PSA nitrogen plant is selected.
To increase production capacity of nitriding ferroalloys, reducing production cost, PSA nitrogen plant is selected.