Unless we succeed in bringing about the major changes we are working for in the very near future, the targets for reducing child mortality will not be achieved by 2015.
Reducing the number of women dying in childbirth by three-quarters and reducing child mortality by two thirds by 2015 is one of the key goals of the Millennium Declaration.
The Maldives, Cyprus, the United Arab Emirates and Portugal have made the biggest steps in reducing child mortality, with the rate of decline in each averaging over 7% a year.
There is substantial regional variability in vaccine use, and the study suggests that expanded use of Hib vaccines could have considerable benefit in reducing child mortality worldwide.
They address issues such as malnutrition, reducing child and maternal mortality, the burden of malaria and HIV, but also increasing enrollment in primary schools.
Breastfeeding also confers many benefits in addition to reducing the risk of child mortality.
I am marking Africa Day this year with a visit to the continent aimed at mobilizing global support for reducing child and maternal mortality rates.
No lawsuits were filed to stop countries from reducing the risks for child mortality.
He challenged the audience to do their part to give children "hope and a chance at a future" by reducing the rate of child mortality in the world.
I would like to see reducing the child mortality rate become a key goal of club and district service projects in the year ahead.
I would like to see reducing the child mortality rate become a key goal of club and district service projects in the year ahead.