We are long past being surprised when complicated and nuanced problems are, amid an electoral whirlwind, turned into reductionist rallying cries.
How would a reductionist explain the biosphere, for example?
This ties in with the reductionist approach and it is also counter-intuitive.
Looking at individual chemicals is reductionist. It is like expecting a tree to grow without its roots.
An abstract, simple, reductionist style with absence of all but basic formal elements and primary colors. (U. s. mid-20th century).
This direct connection to all our problems and promises is what makes chemistry stand out and elevates it from its reductionist roots in physics.
The current advances in biology (coming from bioinformatics in the post genomic era) are a direct result of the success of this reductionist approach.
Wheeler and colleagues were an essential part of this reductionist perspective, as the 50 Wheeler monographs on specific esoteric ant behaviors testify.
This involves a kind of naturalizing beyond the dichotomy of transcendent metaphysics and reductionist physicalism, that's a special kind of naturalization.
This highly reductionist view of history has been enormously influential, but in her classic The God of the Machine, Isabel Paterson asks a devastating question: what gives you the steam-mill?
This highly reductionist view of history has been enormously influential, but in her classic The God of the Machine, Isabel Paterson asks a devastating question: what gives you the steam-mill?