In this installment, I started the discussion about using refactoring as a tool to help understand and identify emergent design.
We use refactoring techniques, design patterns, and other computational methods to remove the smelly code segments from our applications.
If the team is adjusting the design and architecture of the code by refactoring, a senior developer or software architect may take the lead.
Long range, we should look for even more sophisticated tools, such as "pattern savvy" refactoring browsers that recognize USES (or potential USES) of design patterns in a program and apply them.
Refactoring is an essential step in test-driven development, providing the necessary feedback that allows your design (and code) to improve as the product develops.
Once design debt has been identified and logged, repayment via refactoring should certainly be made a priority.
Agile development methods, which add program features iteratively, depend on refactoring as a technique to alter and extend a program's design.
The innermost level consisted of lower level practices such as pair programming; coding standards; unit and function testing; refactoring; simple design; and the 40-hour week.
People with good core qualities will pick up the best approaches including writing unit tests and refactoring; learn design patterns and what is most important -deliver great and useful software.
The discussion also includes topics like evolutionary design, architecture refactoring and how to analyze, test and validate the architecture models.
Refactoring is obviously an important tool for emergent design - one that entails both mechanical and environmental concerns.
In the next installment, I'll discuss refactoring toward design, building on the concepts of composed method and the SLAP principle.
Because the initial estimate is so coarse-grained, a fair amount of wiggle room exists to handle emergent design, refactoring, and other technical-hygiene activities.
In the Agile software world the use of design patterns and refactoring are examples of adaptive reuse applied.
In that sense, refactoring insists on some less tangible, but decisive characteristics of software like design, simplicity, improved source code comprehension, readability and alike.
Which means you have all learned about good code, object-oriented design, style, good practices, and so on, and refactoring is just another buzzword that someone invented to sell some books.
Learning OOP, Design Patterns, Clean Code and refactoring.
Improved quality and design through refactoring; heavy, automated unit testing; and continuous integration.
Chapter 12 reminds us to rely on tests and refactoring to drive our high-level design as well as our low-level decisions.
Refactoring: 3rdrail contains technology specifically for RoR that allows developers to improve and simplify application design.
Bill Venners: in your book, Refactoring you say, "the code says everything once and only once, which is the essence of good design."
A software QA team typically spends time performing research and investigation, test design, coding, refactoring, debugging, execution, and analysis.
The truth is that in order to perform refactoring successfully, you should have full understanding of the problem domain, be aware of requirements, the design and even implementation details.
A refactoring is a code change that leaves the original functionality intact, but changes the design of the code so that it's cleaner, more efficient, and easier to test.
In this initial installment, Fowler makes the business case for refactoring and testing, and describes the interplay between refactoring, design, and reliability.
Refactoring, modularity, bottom-up and incremental design were described by Leo Brodie in his book published in 1984.
Refactoring is helping to reorganize code, re - clearly reflected structure and further improve the design.
The target of refactoring is a brief design, which most important characteristic is an easy orientation variety, and designing pattern is the best annotation of the brief design.
The target of refactoring is a brief design, which most important characteristic is an easy orientation variety, and designing pattern is the best annotation of the brief design.