The referral information from the original visit was retained, so some clicks resulted in multiple visits.
She needs to either ask the physician to provide the information or ask for a referral to a specialist who can provide the information.
Through their various partnership programs, associates and third-party vendors can earn referral fees, manage inventories, and search product information for competitive pricing.
You can add your own information here to be listed as a referral and you can list your apartment as being available for sublease.
Unfortunately, up-to-date information about waiting lists is not usually available to the GP and patient when they decide about a referral.
Details regarding the introduction or referral should be documented so that the information obtained can be effectively used to assist in the verification of the prospective customer.
Check out this Help Center article for more information on running a Referral Contest.
Before purchasing we will supply the detail of the referral and information the product capability.
Objective analyzing the influencing factors on the dual referral will of patients to provide information for perfecting the dual referral system.
The Support Line provides an initial 'single' point of contact to access information and referral services that assist small businesses during the global recession.
Community centers enhanced in providing comprehensive gender responsive learning opportunities, information and referral services.
The mode of secondary information organization includes search engine, referral database, menu, etc.
Whether you need an article from a journal, an in-depth literature search, or a referral to an expert, CISTI can provide the information you need.
The issues of dual referral were analyzed according to the information from literature resource and key informant. The key measures of promoting dual referral and rational divert were provided.
The issues of dual referral were analyzed according to the information from literature resource and key informant. The key measures of promoting dual referral and rational divert were provided.