The old houses in the village The old houses with various architectural style are reflecting on the surface of the deep-green lake.
Sunglint is caused by sunlight reflecting off the water surface-much like a mirror-directly back towards the astronaut observer on the Space Station.
Sunglint is caused by sunlight reflecting off the water surface - much like a mirror - directly back towards the astronaut observer on the Space Station.
The theater is covered with gels so that it looks gorgeous when the sunshine is reflecting on its surface.
With using absolute optical interferometer for measuring length of block gauge, it is necessary to solve the problem of phase jump for reflecting of light on its surface.
The surface roughness is an important target of reflecting the microscopic shape of components surface, it has great influence on the surface quantity of work piece.
The microstructure of the sample glaze layer under polarizing microscope and reflecting microscope has showed acicular hausmannite crystals on the glaze layer surface of luster glaze.
Reflective one is aligned to the outside surface and makes a fake hole on the facade by reflecting surroundings.
The paper discusses the problem concerning light reflecting and refracting polarization and phase on the surface of the transparent medium by using the Fresnel formula.
The survey focused on "solar radiation management", which involves reflecting energy from the Sun away from the Earth's surface, and received support from 72% of respondents.
The connecting wire is directly fixed on a surface of a bearing object, thereby reducing reflecting loss of incident sunlight, simplifying mounting process and reducing mounting case.
再用套管连杆、人字支架和连接线将若 干个单位电池板组合集成,并由连接线直接固定在承载物体表面。
The connecting wire is directly fixed on a surface of a bearing object, thereby reducing reflecting loss of incident sunlight, simplifying mounting process and reducing mounting case.
再用套管连杆、人字支架和连接线将若 干个单位电池板组合集成,并由连接线直接固定在承载物体表面。