They are the people you love, regardless of whether you realize it.
Your company does too, regardless of whether you create it consciously.
Now, regardless of whether you have 100 points to me, I would first thank you, teacher!
You might have experience relevant to your job target, regardless of whether you were paid.
Regardless of whether you like, your custom, your religion, we will Positioning our design styles.
You are honored, each old soul here, regardless of whether you believe this channelling is real or not.
Listen to and acknowledge what your manager is saying, regardless of whether you agree with the comments.
Listen to and acknowledge what your manager is saying, regardless of whether you agree with the comments.
Keep in mind, though, you'll need to be proactive about how to turn things around — regardless of whether you agree.
And that's true regardless of whether you are starting your own business or working inside a large organization.
The problem with a scheduled build is that it's run regardless of whether you committed a change to a repository.
Regardless of whether you have taken venture capital or not, capital efficiency and bootstrapping are critical values.
Regardless of whether you are dressing for a job interview or to go to work, remember that appearances do matter.
The circadian temperature rhythm continues to run, regardless of whether you yourself have decided to go to sleep or not.
It is a good idea to review the startup script, regardless of whether you look at the config.xml file or the admin console.
最好对该启动脚本加以检查,不管是查看config . xml文件还是查看管理控制台。
As reports go, if you are a tour operator (regardless of whether you are adventure travel or not) this is pretty much a must buy.
In any case, time passes, regardless of whether you choose to procrastinate or if you plan your life into the smallest of details.
With credit abundantly available, getting what you want right away, regardless of whether you have the cash to pay for it, is common practice.
Suppose that governance has been defined for your organization, regardless of whether you have an organization structure, as shown in Figure 1.
假设您的组织已经对治理进行了定义(无论您是否拥有组织结构),如图 1 所示。
In any case, time passes, regardless of whether you choose to procrastinate or if you plan your life into the smallest of details. - Maria bergstrom.
Regardless of whether you can afford to build a bunker or can barely afford a shovel, the information in this book is designed to be equally useful.
The time you spend on entertainment is valuable and should captivate you - regardless of whether you are in the mood for reflection or just pure pleasure.
Regardless of whether you are configuring a workstation or a server, you will have certain files that are unique for each system located on the local drive.
Dealing with other people is a fact of organizational life, regardless of whether you are in accounting, finance, operations management, or some other area.
It is not only impressive, but also tells us a truth: as long as unremitting efforts, regardless of whether you disabilities, to achieve the goals you want.
Regardless of whether you implement a monolithic driver or a layered driver, you can base your implementation on the source code for any of the sample drivers.
If in the deepest part of yourself you feel that you are a poet, regardless of whether you are a doctor or an accountant, you should not stop writing your poet.
If in the deepest part of yourself you feel that you are a poet, regardless of whether you are a doctor or an accountant, you should not stop writing your poet.