An investigation was carried out by the Ministry of Health, assisted by the WHO Regional office for Africa and the WHO country office.
A WHO team from the Regional Office for Africa and headquarters has been deployed in the zone to assess the control measures under way in the different islands.
Over the past two weeks, WHO has provided support to the Ministry of Health from Headquarters, the Regional Office for Africa, and Country Offices in Angola and in Mozambique.
On 26 October a team from the WHO Regional Office for Africa, Intercountry support team and the Institute Pasteur Dakar arrived to support Cape Verde in investigating the outbreak.
WHO, with the support of the WHO country office and the WHO Regional office for Africa, is deploying or supporting the deployment of clinical staff, epidemiologists and logisticians.
WHO, with the support of the WHO country office and the WHO Regional office for Africa, is deploying or supporting the deployment of clinical staff, epidemiologists and logisticians.