The Organization needs to grab hold of the core issues and key factors affecting regional security and put in place a full - fledged system for security cooperation.
China strongly urges the US and the ROK to halt the process of deploying the system and refrain from complicating the regional situation or undermining China's strategic security interests.
Through analysis of the stability of NanBian power supply system in a steel enterprise, under-frequency load-shedding plans and regional security and stability control plans are adopted in this paper.
Discussed are definition of water resources security, water resources stress indicators and indicator system for regional water resources security appraisement.
In regional electricity market, the procurement of zonal reserve deeply effects the power system security and economic.
In Northeast Asian regional order, a Multilateral Security Cooperation System (hereafter, MSC) has not been institutionalized.
The establishment and crash of the regional system both depend on the economic development and security condition of the countries in the south sea.
The establishment and crash of the regional system both depend on the economic development and security condition of the countries in the south sea.