Regular check-ups for men would inevitably place strain on the public purse, Cartmill says.
After you leave hospital, you will have regular check-ups to make sure your liver is working correctly.
The upshot was that 118 of the screened group died, compared with 100 in the group given only regular check-ups.
To maintain your physical health, you need regular check-ups with a doctor who can assess your vital signs-blood pressure, temperature, weight, and so on.
The Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade (or its Transport Bureau) shall conduct regular check-ups of the marks and codes used by various companies.
They say regular check-ups and staying as healthy and active as possible lessen the chance of developing Alzheimer's disease and similar conditions in later life.
Owning a dog is not inexpensive. You must feed the dog, visit the veterinarian for regular check-ups, shots, and special care, and pay for boarding when you are away.
The country will set up a national database and, from this year, anyone over 65 and children under 3 will be eligible for regular free check-ups.
This is why regular eye check ups every two years over the age of 40 are very important.
But they need to be checked at regular dental check-ups to make sure they are not chipped or worn away.
Hospitalisation for dental problems is now a serious health issue, even though decay — or dental caries — could easily be prevented through regular brushing and check-ups, the researchers conclude.
An employer shall give regular health check-ups to underage workers.
Regular visits to the dentist for professional cleaning and check-ups are essential. Proper oral hygiene is crucial, including regular brushing and flossing.
Regular visits to the dentist for professional cleaning and check-ups are essential. Proper oral hygiene is crucial, including regular brushing and flossing.