It took about a year, but eventually Alba got into a regular class.
Try to attend regular class so that you do not face any last minute pressure.
Regular Class: All children and youths at age of five or older by September 1st.
The Final Project, will be presented and defended at the last regular class session.
The forth part is considering and suggestion to develop the gifted children in regular class.
A partial method is usually defined in a partial class file and is optionally implemented in the regular class file.
Contribution to class discussion, both to the case analyses and the regular class sessions, is an integral part of your learning experience.
From the statistics of wrong motions in teaching new content, the students in experimental class make fewer mistakes than those in regular class.
As explained in the syllabus, 15.328 does not have a regular class schedule. However, there are several deadlines to meet as teams complete their projects.
The results indicate that many students lack deep recognition of children with special needs learning in regular class and their attitudes tend to be negative.
The author investigated 115 Shanghai preschool educators about including special children in regular class (inclusive education) through questionnaires and interviews.
In our case it means, that classes defined in Warsaw project cannot be accessed in Global project at compilation time, so we cannot extend them or use them as regular class components.
In some cases, gifted kids might be given the opportunity to, say, take an accelerated class in a subject that interests them while remaining in their regular classroom for other subjects.
In some cases, gifted kids might be given the opportunity to, say, take an accelerated class in a subject that interests them while remaining in their regular classroom for other -subjects.
You declare introduced methods and member variables almost exactly as you would regular class members, except that you must qualify which class you declare them on (hence ValueObject.timestamp).
除了必须限定在哪个类上声明引入的方法和成员变量以外(因此是ValueObject .timestamp),声明引入的方法和成员变量几乎与声明常规类成员相同。
Regular expressions are ways to match patterns against text — similar to how a compiler works to generate class files.
You can make a class that USES regular expressions for this, or if naming standards are strictly enforced in your organization, you could use a simple edit.
Also notice that unlike regular properties, a class constant does not begin with the dollar sign.
You can get a first class education from an online campus as you would a regular campus.
Class initialization Any type of regular or real-time thread can initialize a class, including a NHRT, which can cause unexpected MemoryAccessError.
In this particular regular expression, we encounter the '[[: space:]]' character class.
在这个特别的规则表达式中,出现了' [[:space:]] '字符类。
The reason is that Rope represents lazy substrings using a dedicated class, allowing the implementation of charAt to remain simple for regular ropes.
原因是Rope使用专门的类来表示延迟子串(lazy substring),因此使普通 rope 的charAt的实现保持简单。
In this example, the files are being read from a regular file system and so it USES the FSDirectory class.
Far more people are harmed by regular use of aspirin and ibuprofen, which belong to a class of medicines called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or Nsaids.
When nose looks inside of a test class, it runs methods matching that same regular expression.
当nose 检查测试类的内部时,它运行与同一正则表达式匹配的方法。
In Listing 14, I've defined an implementing class, called RegexPackageFilter, that applies a regular expression for filtering purposes.
In Listing 14, I've defined an implementing class, called RegexPackageFilter, that applies a regular expression for filtering purposes.