Have regular dinner-table discussions about people the family knows and how they got where they are.
We serve both the dishes and regular dinner.
It is safe and clean, will not influence regular dinner.
Would you like the buffet or some regular dinner specials?
It was regular dinner, not formal dinner where you had to dress up and sit at assigned tables.
Another meal-prolonging trick for men with regular dinner partners: Turn off the TV, put down the Daily Racing Form, and actually have a conversation.
For many working mothers, the pay check provides some of the extras in life, whether a regular dinner out, nice vacations or extracurricular activities for the kids.
As with all my regular mini-disasters I made it into a hilarious dinner party story. But inside I didn’t find it funny.
"Keep a regular schedule of eating," Fonken suggests, to avoid consuming food well after the dinner hour.
The job had regular hours, allowing him to be home every day to make dinner for the kids.
Peas, beans and lentils also make a regular appearance at our dinner table, since they are easy, cheap and nutritious.
And really, whether you're vegetarian or meat eater, that's probably all you really eat on a regular basis any way (for dinner, at least). Most people only have 7-10 recipes that they cook regularly.
而且不论你是素食者还是肉食者你会发现它们渐渐成为了你日常饮食(至少是正餐)的标准。大部分人都有7 - 10条常用菜谱如果你有很多美味的食谱你会很乐于继续素食。
While you might not wear them to executive meetings on a regular basis, wearing black ties to a cocktail party or even an upscale dinner gives off a sophisticated vibe, said Zyla.
A regular routine that includes dinner, bath, quiet time and bed seems to help children wind down and relax before bed.
Establish an after-school routine, such as homework at the same time every day, a time for relaxing with a favorite show or activity, or dinner at a regular daily time.
Most Americans have three regular meal a day: a simple breakfast in the morning, a light lunch at noon, and a big dinner in the evening.
ABSTRACT: Enjoying a glass of wine with dinner combined with regular cups of tea and exercise could be the key to prolonging your life, scientists have claimed.
One aspect of retail selling was the getting of orders for regular icecream deliveries at a set time-usually for use as a sweet at lunch or dinner , or as an extra when viewing television.
They also tend to eat regular meals at the same times every day, with dinner at 6 p. m. and no midnight snacking.
Census register is not restricted, urban and rural do not be restricted, requirement: Facial features is regular, have certain dinner party capacity.
Census register is not restricted, urban and rural do not be restricted, requirement: Facial features is regular, have certain dinner party capacity.