We should regulate and control the administrative punishment power strictly.
As schooling is not in a pure competitive market, we must regulate and control schooling operation according to its features.
Results Prespecified relative width may regulate and control the precision of confidence interval and may reflects magnitude of the sample size.
It can distinguish self and others, and regulate and control individual behaviors, So it has the motivation function and individual will function.
A problem badly needs to be solved in the field of intellectual property right is how to regulate and control legally parallel import of patented production.
The question of what is to be done to regulate and control exploitation of the Seabeds is no longer a theoretical matter. It is a problem of international concern.
The information feedback of archival utilization is a work which makes use of the feedback information to regulate and control the activities of archival utilization.
Controllable set: setting time can be flexible to regulate and control from scores of minutes to hours so as to ensure carry out maintenance time and construction project.
And drive elements can regulate and control the structure's state, then they can assure the structure's safety operating and keep the structure in the best state all the time.
The Soviet model has strong capability to regulate and control in order to maintain its stability and exclude internal and external destructive factors that may destabilize itself.
In face to the large number of phenomena of moral disorder, people are trying to regulate and control them from all aspects, which is in conformity with the principle of Mans reason.
His studies have shown that psychopaths and criminals have smaller areas of the brain such as the amygdala and prefrontal cortex, both of which regulate and control emotion and behavior.
Besides, this paper discuss the principle of competition feelings' regulate and control and tactics of controlling mental state pre- competition of the aerial skier of Chinese National Team.
Rate control techniques must then be employed to regulate and control the output bit rates of video sources in the network to achieve the best trade-off between quality and bandwidth utilization.
During critical situations, especially when a threat is perceived, the outer core loses control and fails to regulate the impulses and instinctual responses coming from the primitive brain.
Some of the chemicals that are all around us have the ability to interfere with our endocrine systems, which regulate the hormones that control our weight, our biorhythms and our reproduction.
In particular, Dr Endy is interested in switches and control systems that regulate other genes.
The Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act gives the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) broad power to regulate tobacco products and marketing efforts.
家庭预防吸烟法案和烟草控制法案赋予美国食品和药物管理局(FDA )广泛的权力来规范烟草产品和营销工作。
As part of their mandate to control sales the LCBO used these permits to track and regulate the drinking of permit holders.
And for the Presbyterian Party in 1644, it turns out there are in fact a number of factions to control and to manipulate and to regulate.
Foreign exchange control agencies are entitled to regulate and inspect aforesaid issues.
In doing so, it stressed the freedom of the human will and its ability to control motives and regulate behavior.
Water treatment plant operators monitor and operate computerized control systems and related equipment in water filtration and treatment plants to regulate the treatment and distribution of water.
It can display instantaneous and cumulative flow division simultaneously, and regulate flow by controlling parameter in order to achieve close-loop control of pressure in high-pressure pipe network.
Everything the world has two sides, and learn to look into two things, find the positive side, get rid of the negative side, to regulate emotions, control their own effective way.
Market control relies on market mechanisms to regulate prices for certain clearly specified clearly specified goods and services needed by an organization.
According to yogic scripture, control of muscles and nerves regulate breath.
According to yogic scripture, control of muscles and nerves regulate breath.