It is of unsaturated inverter, intermediate insulator and directly regulated type.
The pressure and the quality of glue can be regulated by pneumatic system according to the type of glue and the material of work piece.
Researchers found that breast cancer stem cells are regulated by a type of cell derived from bone marrow, called mesenchymal stem cells.
This kind of converter lay the key technical foundation on new type electronic transformer, regulated sinusoidal ac power supply, ac regulator.
This kind of converter lay the key technical foundation on new type regulated sinusoidal ac power supply, electronic transformer , ac regulator, and wave converter etc.
A type of capacitive microsensor whose null point and gain can be regulated is introduced here.
Database searches showed SRZ genes were widely distributed among plant species and their expressions in rice and Arabidopsis were significantly down-regulated by at least one type of abiotic stresses.
A task regulated by a chant or song of the type used by sailors when hauling ropes or performing other strenuous, rhythmically repetitive tasks; the chant so used.
A task regulated by a chant or song of the type used by sailors when hauling ropes or performing other strenuous, rhythmically repetitive tasks; the chant so used.