Marketing materials, user manuals, and aviation regulatory filings around the world must all have needed redoing.
Moog and GE have initiated the applicable regulatory filings and expect to sign a definitive purchase agreement very shortly.
Those positions were converted into a 0.79 percent stake in Lloyds Banking Group after the Banks merged in January, according to regulatory filings.
It is the only preclinical CRO laboratory in China whose data have been accepted by both the FDA and EMEA as part of successful regulatory filings.
Review other sections of the annual report and related regulatory filings before release and consider the accuracy and completeness of the information.
Paulson has found ways to get exposure to gold through futures or other products that don't necessarily show up in regulatory filings, the person said.
Last week, Citic Pacific Ltd., whose impeccable China connections helped give rise to the term 'red chip,' issued a pair of standard regulatory filings that were remarkable for their openness.
中信泰富有限公司(CiticPacific Ltd.)与中国大陆的密切联系,在一定程度上造就了“红筹股”这一概念。上周该公司发布了两份标准的监管备案文件,内容颇为坦诚。
Last week, Citic Pacific Ltd., whose impeccable China connections helped give rise to the term 'red chip,' issued a pair of standard regulatory filings that were remarkable for their openness.
中信泰富有限公司(CiticPacific Ltd.)与中国大陆的密切联系,在一定程度上造就了“红筹股”这一概念。上周该公司发布了两份标准的监管备案文件,内容颇为坦诚。