Ingredients: serine, pure hyaluronic acid, rose essence, rehmannia root essence, 40% vitamin complex, etc.
The Fe and Zn in rehmannia root were determined by FAAS using flow-injection suspension pulse sample introduction method.
The main ingredients include rehmannia root, garden burnet, bupleurum root, white peony root, tuckahoe and other four kinds of Chinese medicinal materials.
其主要成分为生地、地榆、柴胡、白芍、茯苓、白术、 炒栀子、黄芩、侧柏叶。
The medicine is prepared with rehmannia root and storax as main material, and through decocting rehmannia root, concentrating and drying to obtain rehmannia powder;
The medicine is prepared with rehmannia root and storax as main material, and through decocting rehmannia root, concentrating and drying to obtain rehmannia powder;