Starting conversations with strangers is still well worth the risk of rejection.
There are no feelings, opinions or personal vulnerability involved, and therefore no risk of rejection.
So subtlety is out and it's back to the age-old problem for both men and women: who has the guts to risk rejection with the direct approach?
I wanted to dance, but I lacked the courage to cross that floor, that huge expanse, to risk rejection.
The breakthrough could lead to patients creating their own replacement organs without the risk of rejection, a common complication in transplant procedures.
What the results showed was that when the risk of rejection was lower, men acted more warmly towards the woman to whom they were talking.
Today, islet cells can be transplanted from donors into people with diabetes, but there is the risk of rejection.
We have to balance the risks of infection with the risks of the drugs that we use with the risks of rejection, but everyone's risk profile is influenced by specific things.
It's also likely that related individuals may be better candidates for transplants because of the reduced risk for rejection — good news for Ottosson and her daughter.
Desensitized patients are at high risk of developing acute antibody-mediated rejection.
With transplant surgeries, the risk of rejection and infection is great. This transplant is no different. To further complicate matters, some anti-rejection drugs can cause serious side effects.
A good research project may run the risk of rejection simply because the proposal is poorly written.
To expose feelings is to risk rejection.
To expose feelings is to risk rejection.
To restore myself to the community of real men, I would have to relinquish the narcissistic comfort of being "special, " overcome paralyzing fears, and risk rejection.
This updated review increases the evidence that steroid avoidance and withdrawal after kidney transplantation significantly increase the risk of acute rejection.
Some believe the regulatory hurdles for treatments derived from a patient's own cells will be lower than those where the cells come from donors, since there is less risk of cell rejection.
Currently organ transplantation has been applied as one of the important means of medical treatment, but allograft rejection has brought great risk to patients.
There are two goals, to determine: 1) whether TIW is frequently associated with rejection; and 2) whether UDCA decreases the risk of liver disease (both rejection and recurrence) after TIW.
Taking the risk of rejection was more appealing than wasting the whole dance wondering what would have happened.
However, thismay require that you step outside of your comfortzone, as well as risk rejection.
Rejection and infection are important risk factors of LR-SBTx.
Cox regression was performed to estimate the association between different risk factors and graft survival and acute rejection episodes.
And the patient must overcome the always-present risk of tissue rejection, for which she will require immunosuppressant drugs for the rest of her life.
Sometimes it takes a defeat to create a victory. Taking the risk of rejection was more appealing than wasting the whole dance wondering what would have happened .
Sometimes it takes a defeat to create a victory. Taking the risk of rejection was more appealing than wasting the whole dance wondering what would have happened .