The second AGC-related function is the signal monitor.
The function printf (3) and related functions can be a major source of problems.
Why don't you spend the next six months volunteering in a nursing-related function, maybe at a local hospital?
Finally, we summarize the test result of the related function, performance and consistency of Data Gather System.
In the last part, it shows the matter and code on fulfilling the related function controls in the form and the way on menu fulfillment.
You can explore the many other list-related functions by typing: help function-list in any Vim session, then scrolling down to "list manipulation".
您可以在任何Vim会话中输入:help function - list来探索许多其他与列表相关的函数,然后向下滚动到“列表操作”。
The separation of functions increases the reusability of ViewControllers and ApplicationMediators, since they have no placement-related function of their own.
功能的分离提高了 ViewController和ApplicationMediator的可重用性,因为它们本身没有与布局相关的功能。
The Paper also describes the wireless intelligence modem hardware and the software design and the realization based on GPS, CDMA and WLAN protocols, as well as related function.
These results indicated that membrane fluidity and function of the mitoplast were closely related.
We'll describe each of the major TCF components, explaining its role, function, and related data values.
There will obviously be services that fulfill a more technical roles - for example, a service that provides user authentication is important, but not directly related to a company's business function.
These functions take environment, connection, statement, or descriptor handles as input and return the diagnostic information related to the last function call made using that handle.
That is the function that displays a drop-down menu of words related to a search word that is typed into the search engine.
The string function has the specification of numeric value, or the result is a numeric value related to the input data.
I am very concerned about the reported health impacts of mixing high energy drinks with alcohol and the impact this has on people's ability to function and the risk of alcohol related harm.
Though the newly identified genes are located in far-flung regions on the 23 human chromosomes, they are related in function: most play a role in learning.
All right, so let's try to do an example where we have a function that depends on variables that are related.
Much like function and form are two sides of the same coin, thinking and tracking the results of that thinking are fundamentally related.
Function literals and the related concept of a closure are discussed in the section called "Function literals and Closures" in Chapter 8, Functional Programming in Scala.
An expression to represent which related object should be returned by the function.
Here, each file is related to the user through the user_id function in the file table.
This add_answer function simply adds a new record into the answer table with the answer and the unique ID of its related poll.
这个 add_answer函数仅将新记录添加至带有相关调查的答案和惟一ID的答案表格。
Visual Explain is a new no-charge function that provides access path and related statics for SQL and XQuery statements.
So now, that's going to be particularly important when we have variables that are related because, let's say now that I have a function that depends on x, y, and z.
The let function has several possible options, as does the declare function to which it is closely related.
Figure 13: Resulting Class diagram, based on selections made in "Show related elements" function.
Figure 11: Selecting the "Show related elements" function.
Figure 12: The "show related elements" function.
Such customization can include adding missing function mappings, altering the data type of a nickname column, and setting some performance-related options.
Such customization can include adding missing function mappings, altering the data type of a nickname column, and setting some performance-related options.