But China's financial system is not without problems. It is only because the Chinese Banks did not have the highly leveraged investment-related risks.
You may email us with the details of your daily investment decision-making responsibilities related to the work experience in question.
There are related to the amount of investment agent conditions?
New source bias — a bias in investment choices related to the decision whether to build a new source versus keeping an old source running longer.
As a result, health related groups are calling for greater international investment.
On being guaranteed measures, the stable investment system, and scientific and feasible technique route and related policy and regulations should be built.
On the real estate investment trust fund research and practice has increasingly become the property sector, the financial sector and related fields, the hot topic.
Integration of related products is a long process; Oracle should accelerate the speed of integration, while increasing investment in software research and development.
The investment choice of Chinese state-owned bank is related to its franchise value.
Finally, we should see to it that stock market related information is released on a timely basis and make individual stock investors more aware of investment risks.
In the operating of risky investment, the "Withdraw Mechanism" is the key link related to the success or the failure of risky investment.
The transportation capacity of and profits from investment lines are not only related to their location in the railway network, but interrelated with distributed volume and liquidation price.
Firstly, the paper sort the concepts, feature and the related financial theory about the real estate investment trusts which enables us to be more comprehensive and clear understanding.
This article introduces the conception of human resource, investment, managerial system, law system related to tourism and tourism enterprises at the beginning.
Among these questions, some are related with the activity of VC projects evaluation including fuzziness of the decision making process, timeworn evaluation methods, and low investment return.
The main direct financial investment is the substantial research projects related to the national strategies in the basic research fields where the market failure is more serious.
Along with the arrival of knowledge-economy time, the related problem of human capital investment has become the hot topic in the academic circle in China.
Whether the construction project investment decision is correct, it is directly related the success of the project and the fate of enterprises.
The administrative system of university LABS is related to the problems of the construction of LABS, the way of investment, the best use of resources, etc.
Finally, according to the above-mentioned analysis, we will make the recommendation of related policy in order to attract more foreign investment to and better use of foreign investment.
The results show that efficient education investment portfolio is not only related to education levels, but to future career selections.
Expect the said domains, mutual fund, syndication, sweep accounts and real estate investment trusts are all related with the cash management of the banks.
If the announcement content and the issued future related file to invite businessmen for investment are not in conformity with each other, rely on the one whose issuing time is in post.
The evalution of choosing a site for a reservoir is related to investment and benefit.
Whether the highway administration system is good or not, is related to enhance the efficiency of investment of road, is related to the quality of road conditions and the level of social service.
According to this, firstly, the paper introduces the concepts of the making use of foreign investment and FDI, and the related theories in the world.
According to this, firstly, the paper introduces the concepts of the making use of foreign investment and FDI, and the related theories in the world.