A fully relational database schema would require hundreds of tables to represent PDBML.
Such a relational database schema for the PDB was developed in 2005 and is shown in Figure 2.
在 2005 年,曾经为PDB开发过这样的一个关系数据库模式,如图 2 所示。
Two algorithms to compute the candidate keys of a relational database schema are given in this paper.
So why were the relational database schema center (6) and so many other database-related plug-ins activated?
Tools such as Hibernate and TopLink have made it much easier to map an object model into a relational database schema.
The previous article discussed how Application Server and Application Developer use an XML file called Schema.dbxmi to represent a relational database schema that is mapped to an EJB design.
上篇文章讨论了ApplicationServer和Application Developer如何使用称为schema . dbxmi的XML文件来表示映射到EJB设计的关系数据库模式。
Create a Relational DAS instance: an important aspect of creating the Relational DAS is describing the database schema it should use.
In some cases, the underlying service will be a relational database with schema support.
The Entity Framework also includes a powerful mapping engine that allows developers to map the EDM schema to a relational database for actual storage.
NET实体框架还提供了一个强大的映射机制,让开发者能够很容易 地将EDM架构和实际的关系型数据库映射起来。
This task involves defining the database schema (tables, columns) to store XML data in a relational database.
In a nutshell, you open the XML schema file, establish a database connection, and then use the mouse to draw connections from XML elements and attributes to relational columns.
The “bottom up" approach assumes you already have database table schema and need to develop an object layer and object relational mapping from the table schema.
These recommendations address the database schema, the choice between XML and relational storage, definition of indexes, and physical data organization with partitioning and clustering options.
Figure 7 illustrates the star schema in the relational database.
Figure 2 illustrates the star schema in the relational database.
Now for the other big difference between the ZODB and a relational database: ZODB objects completely lack any schema specification.
When you expand the database schema model you can see the relational tables and columns.
This annotated schema is then loaded into the database and used to transform incoming XML into the defined relational columns.
We have tried to keep the purchase order table schema simple in the relational-only database by storing the purchase order document as a BLOB.
我们已经通过将采购订单文档存储为 BLOB,在基本关系数据库中尽量保持采购订单表模式简单。
In this case, the source would be your relational database and the target would be an XML schema definition (XSD) document that contains the structure of the XML document.
If the data was stored in the database in a relational schema, your queries to the database would become more complex.
From this point on, you don't have to worry about SQL or any particular database because your code can be expressed in terms of the abstract relational schema.
This requires a fixed mapping from the expected XML structure to a collection of relational tables in your database schema.
The most important thing you can do when you design a native XML database schema is to avoid the temptation to normalize the data in the same way that you do when you design a relational database.
Therefore, Python programmers who want to use a relational database generally find they have imposed upon themselves the extra and unnecessary discipline of providing a schema for each of their types.
In short it aims to model your entire database schema dynamically, querying its information schema and eliminating the need for object-relational mapping in your application code.
A relational database structure in which data is maintained in a single fact table at the center of the schema with additional dimension data stored in dimension tables.
Optimization of relational schema is very important and difficult to design a database system, the ultimate goal of optimization is to construct a good relational schema for database system.
The formal definitions of OWL ontology and relational database(RDB) schema were given.
In this paper, based on a schema translation from Object-Oriented Database (OODB) to Relational Database (RDB), it proposes an algorithm for translating OODB query to RDB query.