Parts sales and automobile maintenance are the relationship of dependence on each other as lips and teeth, mutual promotion, mutual reliance, which makes parts industry suffered badly shock.
It is pointed out that there is a relationship of interdependence and mutual promotion between product standards and product quality supervision.
The relationship between efficiency and fair play is the relationship of stipulating and being stipulated as well as of mutual guiding and mutual promotion.
Good corporate culture is built upon people, which has the mutual promotion and constraints relationship with the development and management of human resources.
Western economic theory believes that the relationship between fiscal expenditure and economic growth is mutual promotion, but empirical analysis shows a lot of different results.
The paper describes the concept, model, elements and mutual promotion mechanism of sc embedded structure and the effect of its mutual promotion on the relationship between enterprises in supply chain.
The paper describes the concept, model, elements and mutual promotion mechanism of sc embedded structure and the effect of its mutual promotion on the relationship between enterprises in supply chain.