The power margin of the optical fiber relay system is determined from the loss transfer function.
The testing of end system and relay system is based on remote method and transverse testing method respectively.
Special data relay system for future Chinese space station is given as a Two-Station-System constellation example.
Even in the mobile communication field, we can use the wireless relay system to replace the wired transmission network.
In some suitable condition, passive relay system can solve the problem of weak signals coverage without effects the network quality.
Automobile brake system most is double pipeline vacuum booster, which relay system hydraulic braking power brake fluid strong absorbent.
The experimental receiver has been used in a microwave relay system for TV transmission and digital communication, with satisfactory performances.
Relay system is one of the most broadly used control systems. Relay circuit is the basis of relay system and it is also the main task of the design.
The communication link for the primary 1 pilot relay system will be by means of fiber optic cable which is in the scope of New Transmission Facilities.
Most of power system's simulation tools have not the systematic model of relay system and can not response the control rules of relay system truly and completely.
Firstly, the TCSC circuit and its conventional controller used in mechanical and electric transient analysis are introduced, and the effects on relay system are discussed.
This paper presents the principles and characteristics of the following modules: power amplifier, phase modulator and up converter, which are used in the transmitter of 1GHz microwave relay system.
Due to its ability to relay position to a computer system in a mobile, deployable static control room, the position can easily be plotted and shown on a geographical map display.
Atlantis had numerous power crystals located throughout the 5 islands and along specific relay routes of the underground labyrinth system.
The system achieves multi-channel temperature signal acquisition and control. Temperature limit is set by keyboard. The buzzer and relay are controlled by MCU.
But in the Grex system, vehicles will be able to act as relay stations, bouncing a control signal from the mother ship to the networked submarines over many miles.
In this article, I relay my experience investigating binary-related performance degradation in a real-world Subversion file system.
Atlantis had numerous power crystals located through out the 5 islands and along specific relay routes of the underground labyrinth system.
It is gradually replacing the traditional relay control system.
We also design the anycast routing and data transmission mechanisms for the anycast relay routing system, which improves the efficiency and reliability of relay routing.
The Dispatchers of a system will ensure the request is routed to a service instance of the right service type which will handle the request and relay back the result to the client.
The construction solution for Softswitch and subscriber data center, relay gateway and signaling gateway, as well as billing system are also given.
A set of relay protocols are designed to make the system have relay function, which spread the work range of concentrator and reduce the costs of installation and maintenance.
Design and realization of relay protection and fault information system.
Qiao sailing (1985 -) male, Master, Research area: Measuring and Relay of Power system.
In order to raising the efficiency and quality in development of relay setting calculation software, we used RUP to developing Protection Device Integrative Coordination System.
In order to raising the efficiency and quality in development of relay setting calculation software, we used RUP to developing Protection Device Integrative Coordination System.