In a now widely circulated statement released by her publisher, she writes, "There's no such thing as originality anyway, just authenticity," an awfully smug assertion for someone in her position.
According to the survey released recently, Master Kong holds a dominant position in China's instant noodle market, with nearly 70 percent of pot noodles sold in the country by this brand.
It's a funny, beautifully made romance, and it's not so much of a surprise that it is being released in a prime position for awards season.
The amount of friction is designed to be some degree less than the return spring, so that when the pedal is released, it returns to the closed position.
And I must say the NTC is conducting an investigation, and an official position will be released very soon.
Tactile sensors in the droid's hand also could help it know whether an object is in a stable position and can be released.
When the lock plates are released, the cross bar will remain firmly locked in position.
After the engine starts and the ignition key is released, spring pressure returns it to the on position.
The now empty red tray gets released from the robot pick up position and is re-sent back to the adept robot to be refilled with parts.
Release: the body should be in stacked position when the skis make contact with the face of the mogul so that tension can be released in the legs allowing the knees to absorb the mogul.
The locking device can be released from the locked position only by means of an appropriate key.
Although the LPGA did not have an event last week, Cristie Kerr reclaimed the No. 1 position in the world Monday when the Rolex Rankings were released.
Thus, if the cellulose is crosslinked in the smooth, flat position, it will return to this position after creasing when the wrinkling forces are released.
The invention advantageously prevents the brush sleeve (6) from moving beyond the safety position if it is released as a result of a fault.
DARPA just released a video showing the robot standing up from a sitting position and following a person walking up a hill during its first outdoor test.
If the fatty acid "palmitic acid" is on alpha and gamma position it will be released as free fatty acid in the intestine and will bound to calcium to form the insoluble calcium soap.
If the fatty acid "palmitic acid" is on alpha and gamma position it will be released as free fatty acid in the intestine and will bound to calcium to form the insoluble calcium soap.