The reliability sensitivity is added to the reliability-based optimization design model and the reliability-based robust design is summed up as a problem of multi-objection optimization.
Based on the proposed rules, the percentile based optimization model for robust design was presented, which assured a product's reliability and quality robustness to the noise.
A new robust reliability method for stabilizing controller design of uncertain systems is presented based on quadratic stability criterion.
In this paper, based on the non probabilistic reliability theory and robust design approach, a procedure for the robust reliability design of structures is presented.
The reliability sensitivity is incorporated into the reliability-based optimization design model and the reliability-based robust design is finally turned out to be a multi-objective...
Examples are given to illustrate that the reliability-based robust optimization design is more advantageous over the ordinary design.
Examples are given to illustrate that the reliability-based robust optimization design is more advantageous over the ordinary design.