Other production way should be adopted to improve the usage degree of the remaining resources in this oil reservoir.
Eastern China deep oil-gas exploration is very difficult, but remaining resources amount and exploration potential are great.
Although the remaining resources are abundant, their quality is relatively poor, the exploration difficulty is big, and the exploration cost will increase greatly.
When the system detected the threshold level exceeding the workload demands, was the threshold level set too high so that the remaining resources were insufficient to continue operation?
There are still large quantity of remaining resources in Bohai Bay Basin, however, the exploration difficulty is ever increasing; so a new round appraisal and exploration must be carried out.
To correctly evaluate remaining resources of Silurian and carry out further exploration in Silurian, it is very important for us to fully understand the scale of palaeo reservoir in Silurian.
For more information about the remaining tabs, see Resources.
Remaining ignorant of online resources.
For information on the remaining features, see Resources for links to Sun documentation and other important guides.
The instance is terminated, and the memory and system resources associated with it are released, only after the garbage collector (GC) detects that there are no active references remaining.
Although Jiyang Deperssion has been explored for 40 more years, it now is in the exploration stage for subtle oil reservoirs, and still holds rich remaining oil resources.
The remaining onshore hydrocarbon resources in China, which are distributed in lithostratigraphic reservoirs of low and medium abundance, have great potential for exploration.
The remaining onshore hydrocarbon resources in China, which are distributed in lithostratigraphic reservoirs of low and medium abundance, have great potential for exploration.