And, if neonicotinoids affect the honey bees' ability to remember how to get back to their hive, then it makes sense why the dead bodies are never found.
Remember that by definition a model is a simplification, so it makes sense that a model, even a refined one, should not include all of the nitty-gritty implementation details.
It all makes perfect sense now, this is what you have been trying to remember.
On first hearing a tune which we then cannot help but remember, we feel that we might have written the melody ourselves it makes such sense to our minds!
This makes sense when you remember that the purpose of bullying is to hide inadequacy, and people who bully to hide their inadequacy are often incompetent.
Now you may remember what Geoffrey Hartman had argued that the moon represents the power of divine providence, and there's a lot of ways in which this reading makes sense.
It's just something to remember: if you have a square matrix times a column vector, the product that makes sense is with the matrix on the left, and the vector on the right.
It's just something to remember: if you have a square matrix times a column vector, the product that makes sense is with the matrix on the left, and the vector on the right.