TACACS is an encryption protocol and therefore less secure than the later TACACS + and Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service protocols.
TACACS是一个安全的加密协议,因此低于后来TACACS +和远程认证拨号用户服务协议。
You'll learn how to set up and configure a Remote authentication Dial-In user Service server (RADIUS) on a Linux system to perform authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) for users.
您将学习如何在Linux系统上建立和配置一个Remote Authentication Dial - in User Service服务器(RADIUS),以执行对用户的验证、授权和记帐(AAA)。
A remote access dial in user service (RADIUS) authentication, authorization and account system is constructed.
A remote access dial in user service (RADIUS) authentication, authorization and account system is constructed.