The -R sets the remote file copy program to be used by GPFS.
You should have a copy of this file on your remote machine to remember how to log in.
Copy the JAR file to the appropriate location on the remote computer, or even the same machine, invoke the debug server, and then attach a client to it.
An obvious way of transferring files over a network within UNIX is to use network file System (NFS) to mount the remote directory and copy between them.
Copy a file from a remote (WAN) client PC to the front (application) 'gateway' server.
You can then copy the file over using whatever method is appropriate, for example, copy the file over with cp and NFS, or transfer to a remote system with FTP or SFTP.
The parallel-slurp utility copies the named remote file to the local machine and stores each copy in a specific file in an individual subdirectory named after the remote host.
parallel - slurp把指定的远程文件复制到本地计算机,把文件的每个拷贝存储在按远程主机命名的子目录中。
The first time you connect to a host, the system asks if you want to keep a copy of the remote hosts public key in your 'known hosts' file (see Listing 5).
When processing files from a remote FTP server, the file is transferred first and then the transferred copy is processed as though it had been placed in the local input directory.
Once locate_global returns a file name, it's pretty simple to copy it to the remote system with SCP or rsync.
Once locate_global returns a file name, it's pretty simple to copy it to the remote system with SCP or rsync.