The remote region provides a cache region using a remote method invocation (RMI) API.
远程区域提供了一个使用远程方法调用(RMI)API 的缓存区域。
Remote Method Invocation (RMI) employs the serialization process in a special manner.
远程方法调用(Remote Method Invocation,RMI)用特殊的方式利用序列化过程。
This allows remote Method Invocation (RMI) -style remote exceptions to be implemented using SOAP.
Notifies the profiler that the process has received a remote method invocation or activation request.
Notifies the profiler that the process is invoking a method in response to a remote method invocation request.
Notifies the profiler that the process has finished invoking a method in response to a remote method invocation request.
From there, I'll go on to compare SOAP, and RPC in general, with one of its biggest competitors, remote method invocation (RMI).
Since the appearance of JAVA RMI(Remote Method Invocation)It provides easy-to-use Java-based distributed computing facilities.
Remote Method Invocation (RMI) -based and servlet-based applications that communicate with EJBs must have the ORB thread pool size configured.
与EJB通信的应用程序(这些应用程序基于远程方法调用(Remote Method Invocation,RMI)和servlet)必须使OR b线程池的大小被配置。
Little-G builds on top of this core by adding a Remote Method Invocation (RMI) naming configuration that provides naming service functionality.
Little - G是在这个核心之上构建的,添加了一个Remote Method Invocation (rmi)命名配置,它提供命名服务功能。
For example, if all Remote Method invocation (RMI) outbound invocations must be completed within 120 seconds, then each service invocation to the banking device takes at most 120 seconds.
例如,如果所有远程方法调用(Remote Method Invocation,RMI)调用必须在120秒内完成,则对银行设备的每次服务调用最多花费120秒时间。
This means that if you have a remote client invoking EJBs on the server over the remote Method Invocation (RMI) protocol, you can also seamlessly collect performance data from the remote client.
这意味着如果一个远程客户机通过远程方法调用(Remote Method Invocation,RMI)协议调用服务器上的EJB,则也可以从远程客户机无缝收集到性能数据。
However, EJB will still have a place in defining endpoints for message delivery, remote and asynchronous method invocation, timers, etc.
The "bridge" role from the broker pattern was then implemented using the template method pattern to support remote service invocation using several different underlying communication technologies.
In this particular sample, the asserted identity for the server side is simply sent as a method parameter of the remote invocation.
A dispatching approach refers to where remote callers send their invocation messages and how the method invocations are routed to the method implementation object.
The contents of the Holder class are modified by the remote method calls and the service client can use this changed content after the method invocation.
By using the value object directly, instead of repeatedly using the bean's remote interface, we can reduce our RMI traffic to a single method invocation.
通过直接使用值对象,而不是反复使用bean的远程接口,我们可以将R mi通信减少到一次方法调用。
It will then send a method invocation call to the remote server.
It will then send a method invocation call to the remote server.